Tackle Acoustic Issues Early in the IESO Procurement Program

Learn how the long-term procurement process presents a special opportunity for developers looking to be at the forefront of the next stage of Ontario’s energy transition.

Get your FREE E-Book

Tackle acoustic issues early to succeed.

Make sure your energy renewables farms are noise-complaint and ready for Ontario’s electricity transformation.

Our team of industry experts have developed a free E-book designed for wind, solar, bioenergy and hydro farm developers to solve the noise equation in the IESO long-term procurement process. Discover effective strategies from proposal to execution to fast-track your IESO procurement process.

Learn more about:

  • Mitigation of noise-related risks early on.
  • Planning for municipal meetings and the permitting pipeline.
  • Preparation for municipal and public engagement.
  • Readiness of supplier and technology evaluation.

    Download Your FREE E-Book Here