Milton Quarry


  • Eastern Canada

The Challenge:

There was serious concern over the cumulative noise impact from this operation and other neighbouring operations. There were also many close receptors to the site and haul route that would be impacted by the quarry.

The Innovation:

Aercoustics was tasked with preparing the noise study for the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of the Environment. We developed a full, site-wide computer model of the operations, with each phase of the quarry modelled, for the entire life of the quarry. Our model used the sound level of each piece of equipment and its location on-site and determined the noise impact at each neighbouring receptor. With this information, we were able to strategically develop site-specific mitigation that would ensure noise levels would be met at every receptor. Due to the scale of the endeavor, the project was peer reviewed. The quarry application went to the Ontario Municipal Board, where Aercoustics provided expert witness testimony showing that the noise impacts met the Ministry limits. The Ontario Municipal Board found in favour of the quarry. The quarry opened 2009, more than 10 years after site planning started.