The Challenge:
The facility program includes many noise sensitive spaces such as lecture theatres, classrooms, and hearing testing labs and noise generating spaces such as mechanical rooms, simulation rooms, or laboratories with loud equipment. Informal lecture spaces were open to general circulation space created acoustic challenges which had to be considered.
The Innovation:
Aercoustics developed recommendations to acoustically isolate the noise sensitive spaces. Solutions included recommendations of ways to optimize the acoustics in this space, given its informal nature.
The George Brown Waterfront Campus is equipped with informal learning spaces, auditorium, lecture halls, rooftop terraces, state-of-the-art labs, and clinics supporting George Brown’s School of Dental Health, School of Health and Wellness, School of Health Services Management, Sally Horsfall Eaton School of Nursing programs. The LEED Gold facility further includes retail space, food services, clinics, student amenity spaces and an auditorium.