The Challenge:
A streetcar track section replacement for the Toronto Transit Commission presented a significant challenge due to the need to maintain or reduce current levels of noise and vibration impacts on nearby sensitive receptors. This was essential in preparation for the introduction of the new Low Floor Light Rail Vehicle.
The Innovation:
Aercoustics stepped in with specialized noise and vibration engineering services, embarking on an extensive data collection process informed by onsite/onboard measurements and guided by industry standards including the FTA ‘Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment’ manual. We developed a comprehensive solution that involved:
- Conducting extensive onsite and onboard measurements of noise and vibration levels, rail roughness, and soil/street transfer functions, using state-of-the-art equipment and methods that comply with industry and regulatory standards.
- Developing a performance specification for the track system that reflects the current and future conditions and requirements of the TTC and the stakeholders.
- Creating a sound propagation model that simulates the noise and vibration impacts of different track design options on the surrounding environment and receptors.
- Producing detailed reports that document the data collection, analysis, and specification processes and results, and provide recommendations for the optimal track system design.