The Challenge:
900 St. Clair Avenue West is a 12-storey mixed-use development by Canderel, located in a vibrant and urban area of midtown Toronto. The project faced two main acoustic challenges: minimizing the environmental noise impact on the surrounding community and ensuring optimal interior acoustic comfort for the residents and tenants. Additionally, the project had to account for the potential vibration effects of the nearby TTC streetcar, which runs along St. Clair Avenue West.
The Innovation:
Aercoustics was hired to provide both the environmental noise impact study and the interior acoustic design support for the project. We conducted a comprehensive noise assessment to evaluate the noise levels at the site and the surrounding receptors. For the architectural acoustic design, we advised on the sound insolation, room acoustics, and noise and vibration control of the building services, to achieve a high standard of acoustic performance and comfort. Our study also included vibration measurements of the TTC streetcar, to assess the potential impact on the building structure and occupants.